


I. 政策声明

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学致力于保护学生在不受歧视的教育环境中的权利, 包括基于怀孕的歧视, as required under Title IX of the Educational Amendment Act of 1972; the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans With Disabilities Act; and State of New Jersey Title 18A statute prohibiting institutions of higher education from pregnancy discrimination.


II. 大学学生身份行动

受怀孕影响的学生, 分娩或相关的医疗状况将与其他学生受到身体状况影响的方式相同. 这将发生在学生生活的各个方面, including but not limited to actions relating to enrollment, 学术状况及进展, 以及参与研究的能力, 课外活动, student employment and other educational opportunities.

所有登记, 参与, 学术和其他学生身份的决定是在不考虑对怀孕影响的个人的刻板印象或假设的情况下做出的, 分娩或相关的医疗状况.
违反学校禁止基于怀孕或与怀孕有关的问题歧视的政策的大学员工将受到纪律处分, 直至并包括终止.

3. 反骚扰的声明

The 大学 will not tolerate harassment in the educational environment. 基于学生怀孕的骚扰, 分娩, or related medical conditions (including breastfeeding) is unlawful and is prohibited.

禁止行为的例子包括, but are not limited to: making sexual comments or jokes about a pregnancy, 性侵骂人, 散布关于性行为的谣言, 做出性的提议或手势, 如果评论严重到影响学生从教育活动中获益或参与教育活动的能力.

IV. 投诉 

任何认为自己因怀孕或怀孕相关问题而受到歧视的学生, should file an immediate complaint with the appropriate party as indicated below. 如果对对执行程序负有主要责任的任何人提出投诉, the President of the 大学 or designee shall determine the appropriate changes in personnel, and shall advise the parties in writing of how the complaint should be processed.

学生事务副院长 & 第九条副协调员

Report Discrimination By A Faculty or Staff Member To: 

All complaints of pregnancy discrimination will be investigated promptly and thoroughly.

用于处理因怀孕或与怀孕有关的问题引起的歧视投诉的程序将与用于处理第九条投诉的程序相同. Procedures to address complaints of discrimination by a faculty or staff member are described in full here: 性骚扰网站. Procedures to address complaints of discrimination by a student are described in full here: 学生性骚扰投诉程序. Print copies of these procedures are available in the following offices: 学生办公室主任, Office of Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action and Diversity (Human Resources), 辅导及心理服务, 学生健康中心, 大学警察局.

第九条和大学政策禁止对举报歧视或参与调查的个人进行报复. 报复的例子包括恐吓, 威胁, 胁迫,并可对违法者予以制裁, regardless of whether or not the sexual harassment complaint has been substantiated.

V. 披露怀孕情况

一个学生, 或成为, pregnant is strongly encouraged to notify their faculty, 以及学生办公室和/或残疾资源中心的支持人员. 通过这样做, 学生和学校可以合作,为学生的教育发展制定适当的计划, as well as particular challenges the student may face while pregnant or recovering from 分娩 (e.g. 缺课、补课等.).

然而, 宣布怀孕是自愿的选择, and a student is not required to disclose this information to the 大学.

VI. 请求怀孕便利

怀孕的学生可以上课和参加所有的教育活动,直到他们可以选择要求医学退学或请假/退学. Reasonable accommodations will be granted when necessary to enable the student to complete coursework, research and other educational and 课外活动.

A. 合理的住宿

At a minimum, the following reasonable accommodations will be granted when appropriate:

  • 允许机会来弥补错过的工作, 延长截止日期, 并通过考试获得学分, 作业, 参与及出席.
  • 怀孕或经历与怀孕有关问题的学生必须获得与任何有暂时健康状况的学生相同的住宿服务.
  • Allowing a pregnant student to maintain a safe distance from hazardous substances
  • Modifications to the physical environment such as accessible seating or elevator access
  • Allowing breastfeeding students reasonable time and space to pump breast milk in a location that is private, 干净、方便. 看到的: 哺乳期的房间

B. 处理住宿要求的程序

  • 为了申请与怀孕有关的住宿, students should contact the Disability Resource Center, 科尔大厅, 331房间, 973-655-5431.
  • As with all accommodation requests for temporary conditions, 学生将被要求向残疾资源中心提供怀孕或相关医疗状况的文件. The Disability Resource Center will determine such accommodations are necessary and appropriate, and will inform the faculty member of the need to adjust academic parameters accordingly, 与第九条副协调员协调, 尤兰达阿尔瓦雷斯, 学生办公室主任, 学生中心4001室, 973-655-7543, alvarezyo@stopwatchtimer.net.
  • 关于怀孕学生住宿要求的信息将在有限的需要知道的基础上与管理人员和教师共享, 仅在必要时实施住宿.

7. 孕期休假或休养

任何级别的注册学生(证书), 本科, graduate) may choose to take a leave of absence/withdrawal, 或者因为怀孕停药, 与怀孕有关的问题或孩子的出生. Birth parents may take a leave up to one full academic year, 除非有健康原因需要长时间缺勤, 不需要重新申请入学. 如果因医疗需要请假超过一年,则不需要办理重新入学手续. 非亲生父母可以休一整个学期的假/休学,不需要重新申请入学.

Any student requesting a medical withdrawal should follow the steps outlined in the 医疗退出政策. Undergraduate students requesting a withdrawal/leave of absence can complete the 离职/请假申请表. Graduate students requesting a leave should contact the 研究生院 at gradschool@stopwatchtimer.net, 973-655-5147.

8. 休假归来

A. 所有的学生

  • 任何因怀孕或生孩子休假回来的学生都有权回到同样的学术课程和同样的大学地位,而不会失去地位, 信贷, progress, 平均绩点, 或其他权利或特权. The 大学 will take reasonable steps to ensure that an enrolled student at any level (certificate, 本科, 研究生)离校前学业成绩良好者,应恢复其所修专业或课程的学业成绩, as long as the duration of their leave is consistent with this policy and the policies of the 大学.
  • There is no requirement to provide any documentation prior to returning from a leave. If the student will require accommodations upon return from the leave, they must notify the Disability Resource Center of their pending return to initiate this process.
  • 如果学生在其批准的假期结束后没有立即从医疗休学或休学/请假中返回, 学生必须在规定的录取截止日期之前向招生办公室提交重新入学申请.

B. 研究生


  • 初试及资格考试
    亲生父母将获得与十大博彩推荐排名州立大学政策一致的一段时间或12个月的时间, whichever is longer to prepare for and take preliminary and qualifying examinations. The non-birth parent shall be allowed a period consistent with 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 policy or one month, whichever is longer to prepare for and take preliminary and qualifying examinations.
  • 时间到程度
    因怀孕或生孩子而请假的学生,其获得学位的时间要求将延长,延长的时间与请假时间相等, 除非医学上有必要延长. 对于非亲生父母, the time to degree must be extended at least one month, unless a longer period or extension is medically necessary to care for the student’s partner or their child.

IX. 怀孕相关缺勤

学生 absences due to pregnancy and related conditions, 分娩, 或者产后恢复期是可以原谅的. 只有当其他学生有身体或情绪状况需要医生治疗时,才需要医生的证明, 或者因其他原因住院的人.

X. 哺乳期站 & 信息

The 大学 provides 6 lactation stations across campus for breastfeeding students – these locations. These spaces provide an area where students are shielded from view and free from intrusion. Refrigeration/storage is not provided in the rooms; users will need to provide their own cooler with ice pack for storage purposes. 哺乳室在使用前必须安排:

  • Center for Clinical Services (CCSV 1440), Room 1140, 计划通过 25日活
  • School of Nursing/研究生院 (NURS 105), Room 105, 计划通过 25日活
  • Overlook Corporate Center, Room 3109 (OVLK 3109), 计划通过 25日活
  • 理查森大厅, 236房间, temporarily out-of-service during building renovations), 计划通过 25日活
  • 学生 Center, Room 305, schedule by email to Sonja Tillman, tillmans@stopwatchtimer.net
  • 大学 Hall, Room 3122, schedule by email to Sophia Robinson, robinsons@stopwatchtimer.net

法律规定的, 母乳喂养的学生可以在孩子出生后的一年内用合理的时间为她正在哺乳的孩子喂奶, each time such student has the need to express the milk.

XI. 保单的分配

This policy shall be made available annually to all faculty, 员工与雇员, and distributed to all students attending orientation sessions at the 大学.

十二世. 问题或关注

Any student who has questions about this policy or who is concerned about its implementation should contact:

Dr. Ashante年代. 康纳
公平主任和第九条协调员 & 均等就业机会/ AA官
