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MSUnions: 2017 Edition

Posted in: Alumni News and Events

Feature image for MSUnions: 2017 Edition

All kinds of relationships are formed in college. Professional relationships, friendships and mentorships can all result from time well spent at Montclair State University. For some lucky students, another type of relationship develops amid the bustle of collegiate life: romance. For these couples, love blossomed right here at Montclair State. Every pair has a unique story. Read on to find out more about each of these couples who’ve found true love at Montclair State!

Guy Suabedissen ’78 MA and Lillie Molesko Suabedissen ’74 MA met during theater class at Montclair State. Guy was a part-time commuter and came to Montclair twice a week. Lillie was full-time grad student with an off-campus room and a part-time job. The theater class consisted of groups of people who were either serious about theater or who needed the class to fill a random required arts credit. Guy and Lillie were among the few students who were serious about the art of theater and naturally they gravitated towards each other. The five of the theater majors would hang out after classes and sometimes meet earlier to work on projects and this is how Lillie and Guy’s relationship grew.

Lillie and Guy had lived near each other before they met and Lillie had actually heard of Guy prior to meeting. They ended up working together in several Central Jersey community theaters at Summerfun along with the other theater majors where they would help work on each other’s shows whether that be switching off as designer or carpenter.

One of their best memories included riding the bus home from NYC after one of those school field trips. Along with trudging back to the dorm after an all-nighter strike or turnaround of a Summerfun show. They do not connect much to Montclair any more, but it was where they became professional and where they became who they are. There are still three people who they keep in contact with, one each in Wisconsin, Virginia and Nova Scotia.

Lillie and Guy were married in 1978 and are still together doing what originally brought them together, theater.

Alexis Bolivar ’07 MA and her husband, Luckens Bolivar ’05 met and courted on campus. The couple loves Montclair State so much, they decided to have their wedding ceremony on campus. In September of 2007, the couple was married on the Amphitheatre.

Are you a sweetheart couple? Send us your story, photos and information at To read about more MSUnions, visit our website. To make a gift in honor of your sweetheart, use our secure online giving form!